Thursday, January 31, 2008

Health literacy promotion strategies in primary care

Sponsored by the Commonwealth Fund in NY and Kaiser Permanente, an examination of health literacy-related "promising practices" for clinicians and office staff in the primary care setting - "Health Literacy Practices in Primary Care Settings: Examples from the Field"
This report presents findings from a 2005 study in which the Association of Clinicians for the Underserved first did an online survey of health care facilities across the country and then followed it up with visits to five selected sites for staff and patient interviews. The study identified five health literacy practices that staff considered especially valuable for their group’s patients and potentially applicable to other clinics: a team effort, beginning at the front desk; use of standardized communication tools; use of plain language, face-to-face communication, pictorials, and educational materials; clinicians partner with patients to achieve goals; and organizational commitment to create an environment where health literacy is not assumed.
(via the Health Policy blog)

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