Monday, March 24, 2008

Search challenge 3: strategies

In the comments on last week's search challenge, margaret recommended a simple search strategy that seems to locate a number of the key items for the question about breastfeeding during methadone maintenance:
"Milk, Human"[MAJR] AND "Methadone"[MAJR] AND "Infant, Newborn"[MeSH Terms]

A search like this may also be worth considering:
methadone[mh] AND (breast feeding[mh] OR milk, human[mh] OR lactation[mh])

It retrieves about 40 citations and it's a little bit broader than the search above and brings in some related issues of potential interest to the health care team, such as psychological effects of breastfeeding for the mother and child in this situation and the effect of methadone on the mother's ability to lactate.

Commenter dewey_decimal reminds us to consult LactMed, the drugs and lactation database from NLM, which provides a succinct and well-referenced overview of the use of this drug during lactation and breastfeeding (also see the LactMed factsheet from NLM for a more detailed description of this resource).



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